There is one boys’ hostel and three Leadies’ hostel which ‘provide accommodation to the students of this college as detailed below :

1.       Jadumani Chhatrabas               -          75 seats

2.       SC/ST Hostel -I                        -         100 seats

3.       SC/ST Hostel -II                        -         100 seats

4.       Malati Devi Chhatrinibas           -          75 seats

5.       Second Ladies Hostel              -          75 seats

6.       UGC Ladies Hostel                   -        150 seats

Warden of Hostels: Dr. Janakinath Dash, Dept. of Botany


Superitendent, J.M. & SC-ST Hostels: SRI JOGENDRA PARIDA, Dept. of English (Mob: 9777368209)

Dy.Superitendent, J.M. & SC-ST Hostels: SRI ASHOK KUMAR SAHOO, Dept. of Physics

Dy.Superitendent, J.M. & SC-ST Hostels: SRI DILLIP KUMAR DAS, Dept. of Psychology


Superitendent, M.C Women's Hostel: SMT. RINKU KHADENGA, Dept. of Sociology

Dy.Superitendent, M.C Women's Hostel: SMT. RASHMI RANJITA MOHAPATRA, Dept. of Botany

Dy.Superitendent, M.C Women's Hostel: SRI DILLIP KUMAR MAHAPATRA, Dept. of Physics


Rules Governing the Men’s Hostels:


1.       Students who desire to reside in the Hostel, will have to mention it clearly in the application form under the appropriate head without mentioning the name of any hostel. No student can claim, as a matter of right, to stay in a particular hostel or in a particular room.

2.       The selection for admission to hostel is made on the basis of merit and good conduct, after admission into the college.

3.       The selection of the old boarders will be determined on the basis of their performance in the last Annual Examination and good conduct.

4.       In case of withdrawal, an application to that effect shall be made by the parents / guardians, if the boarder is minor.

5.      The superintendents will allot seats to those students who bring receipts of admission to    hostel from the college office.

6.      Only parents/guardians are allowed to leave their wards in the hostel and fill up their visitors’ forms available in the Hostel office.

7.       The Dy. Supdt. shall maintain a daily attendance register of boarders and submit it to the supdt. during the office hour of the  hostel (6.30 pm- 7.30 pm)

8.       The Dy. superintendent will maintain an admission register of the boarders stating their bio-data and antecedents during their stay in the hostel. The superintendent will inform the principal, his parents, local guardian and the HOD in case of the boarder’s misconduct.

9.       The Principal is the final authority in respect of admission of boarders in the hostel and reserves the right to change any rules as he deems fit.

Furniture :-

1.       Each boarder will be provided with a cot, a table and a chair.

2.       All the boarders in a room will enjoy a ceiling Fan.

3.       Boarders are required to make good use of the furniture which is their individual responsibility.

4.       Any wilful damage of the hostel furniture and electric installations by a boarder will make him/her liable for heavy penalties.

5.       The part time clerk is required to conduct an annual check of the hostel furniture and other articles, and a report of the stock position has to be submitted to the principal through the supdt. before closer of the college for summer vacation.

6.       The superintendent should also submit to the principal a report on the repair-work to be undertaken during summer vacation.

7.       The boarders have to arrange their own electric bulbs.

Study Hours :

1.       The hours fixed for the study are :

          a)       6.30 A.M. to 9.15 A.M.

          b)      6.30 P.M. to 9.30 P.M.

2.       No boarder shall ordinarily be allowed to leave his/her room during study hours.

3.       No boarder is expected to remain absent from the hostel (other than the class) during study hours without the prior permission of the Superintendent. Frequent absence will be tantamount to breach of discipline.

Visiting Hours :

1.       From Monday to Saturday        - 4.30 to 6.00 P.M.

          Sunday                                    - 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.

2.       Visitors will be received only in the Visitors Room.

3.       Authorised visitors (Parents/Guardian/Local Guardians) are allowed to visit their wards on any day during visiting hours.

4.       Relatives of the boarders may visit them with the permission of the Superintendent.

5.       Friends of the boarders may be allowed to visit beyond the visiting hours with the permission of the superintendent.

6.       Excursion/Picnic Parties, Athletic teams and college guests may also be allowed to take shelter in the hostel temporarily with the permission of the superintendent.

7.       Parents natural guardians , relatives and friends of a boarder may be allowed to stay in the hostel for a period not exceeding one day with the permission of the superintendent.


          The hostel common room provides newspapers and indoor games to the boarders. It remains open for the boarders during specified hours to be determined by the superintendent.

          The caretaker has to look after the cleanliness of the common room. He is responsible for furniture and articles in the common room. Such articles can not be removed without the permission of the superintendent.


1.       The mess affairs are managed by a mess committee headed by Dy.Supdt. as chairman who nomitates boarders to manage it.

2.       The Mess Committee will decide the type of food to be served to the boarders.

3.       The mess Committee will ensure the general discipline and cleanliness of the dining hall.

4.       All decisions taken by the Mess committee are subject to the approval of the superintendent.

5.       All boarders are compelled to take meals in the hostel/mess and they are strictly prohibited to prepare any cooked food in their rooms.

6.       Mess charges are payable in advance. Monthly mess charges are not fixed and are liable to modification depending on the changes in the market price structure.

7.       Guest meal is strictly prohibited unless and otherwise permitted by the superintendent.

8.       Meals will be served to the boarders during the following hours;

          a)       Morning Meal between 9.30 A.M. to 11.30 A.M.

          b)      Evening Meal between 9.30 P.M. to 10.30 P.M.

9.       Meal timings may be changed by the Dy. Superintendent according to necessity and convenience.

10.     Boarders, during meal time, must maintain perfect silence inside and outside the Dining Hall. Any breach of discipline will make them liable for punishment.

Annual Function and other Activities :

          The superintendent will nominate a panel of boarders to hold Annual Function and other activities in the hostel, subject to the approval of the principal

Discipline :

1.       Boarders in the hostel will be considered to be under the direct control  and supervision of the superintendent.

2.       No boarder shall make himself absent from the hostel without the written  permission of the Dy. superintendent. In case of absence for more than a week permission of supdt. is mandatory

3.       Boarders cannot stay in the hostel during any vacation except in special circumstances like examination.

4.       No boarder shall leave the hostel permanently without obtaining the permission of the principal. An application for the purpose shall be made by the boarder (if major) through the superintendent of the hostel who will forward to the principal with a ‘No Dues’ clearance certificate ascertaining that all dues of the hostel have been paid by him/her.

5.       The monthly hostel dues shall be paid in the hostel office on stipulated date or dates fixed by the superintendent.

6.       In no case, the college dues shall be accepted from a boarder unless he/she produces a certificate showing hostel clearance from his/her Superintendent.

7.       No boarder is expected to create disturbance of any kind to other boarders specially during study hours.

8.       Boarders should, in all cases, obtain the permission of the Principal through the superintendent before joining or taking part in any association or meeting outside the college.

9.       The superintendent has the power of censoring all reading materials brought into the hostel. The introduction of objectionable reading materials into the hostel will be regarded as a breach of discipline.

10.     The internal management of the hostel rests with the superintendent and has the power to punish boarders for breach of discipone.

11.     All cases of gross and habitual misconduct of the boarders will be reported to the principal and the parents if situation demands.

Breach of Discipline

          The following shall be treated as the breach of discipline in the hostel.

1.       Absence from the hostel without permission.

2.       Continued neglect of study.

3.       Singing, playing upon musical instruments, teasing, and catcalling.

4.       Lack of cleanliness and tidiness in the room.

5.       Spitting in the rooms and verandahs.

6.       Writing on or disfiguring the walls, doors or windows of the buildings.

7.       Tampering or damaging of electrical fittings or installations or any other hostel property.

8.       Holding of any meeting without the approval of the superintendent.

9.       Joining or taking part in any association or meeting outside the college without prior permission of the superintendent.

10.     Use of drugs, intoxicants and tabacco.

11.     Gambling in any form.

12.     Bringing in guest to their rooms without clearance from the superintendent.

13.     Misconduct in the Dining Hall.

Expulsion from Hostel :

1.       A boarder may be expelled from the hostel by the principal on the report of the superintendent over gross misconduct and habitual derelection of hostel rules.

2.       In case of communicable diseases, the hostel authorities may expel the student from the hostel, if he/she refuses to be isolated.

Special Rules for ladies’ hostel :

          All the rules for Boys’ Hostel apply to Ladies’ Hostel in addition to the rules mentioned below.

1.       No boarder of the Ladies’ hostel is allowed to leave the hostel without a letter a authority from the parents or natural guardian concerned.

2.       A boarder may leave the hostel on holidays and may go home obtaining the prior permission of the superintendent. She has to submit an application duly signed by her parents or natural to submit an application duly signed by her parents or natural guardian for temporary absence from the hostel.

3.       In special case, a boarder may be permitted to go home on production of a letter from her parents or natural guardian only.

4.       No boarder is allowed to leave the hostel after 6 P.M. But in exceptional cases, the boarder is allowed to go out with her parents or natural guardian with the permission of the superintendent.

5.       No boarder is allowed to go home alone. She may, however, be allowed travel during daytime alone at her own risk on production of written authority of her parents or natural guardian addressed to the superintendent.

6.       No boarder is allowed to go home either alone or with escort in between 9.00 P.M. to 6 P.M.

7.       A boarder is permitted to meet her parents or natural guardian during the visiting hours only. Such authorised visitors have to sign on the visitors hours only. Such authorised visitors have to sign on the visitor’s book along with other necessary entries before meeting their ward. They may, however, visit the boarder in the hostel beyond the visiting hours with specific permission  from the superintendent only on the ground of the boarder’s health of urgent nature or on any urgent business, to be determined at the discretion of the superintendent.

8.       Boarders are not allowed to stay overnight with their local guardians unless otherwise permitted by their parents.

9.       The boarders are strictly cautioned not to meet any other person except the authorised ones.

          The principal is the final authority in all the matters relating to the hostels.