Youth Red Cross is the Youths branch of Indian Red Cross Society which is an impartial, neutral, Independent youth organisation. The fundamental principles of International Red Cross movement are humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, universality and our Youth Red Cross functions on these principles.

             The objectives of YRC are to (a) train zealous youth volunteers in the principles of Red Cross to develop a sense of Social service in the time of disaster (b) promote health, hygiene and sanitation among the community members for prevention of diseases. (c) promote friendship at the national and international level and develop the quality of leadership among the youth.

             Every student who is on the College Rolls is a member of the Youth Red Cross under the stewardship of a counsellor. The Youth Red Cross opens up a wide vista for the students to test their potentiality, philanthropic service, friendship, leadership, self-reliance, dignity of labour and skills to render necessary service as and when required. Recently, disaster preparedness has been accepted as one of the service areas.

             Besides other activities the unit focuses on HIV/AIDS awareness , Awareness on Gobal Warming, Voluntary Non-Remunerative Repeated Blood Donation, Anti Narcotics Drive and Awareness on Traffic Rules.

             The Principal shall operate the funds of the Youth Red Cross and his decision in matters of admissibility is final.

Intake Capacity : 50 Volunteers


 Mr. SAHADEV BEHERA, Dept. of Odia. 

SMT. DIPANITA KAR, Dept.of  Physics