The Motto of the National Service Scheme is “NOT ME BUT YOU”. This expresses the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of other  man’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines the fact that welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent upon the welfare of the society as a whole. And as such, the NSS demonstrates its motto of ‘development of the personality of the students through community service’ in its day to -day programmes. It arouses social consciousness among the students in respect of constructive social activities, national integration, community living, eradication, of illiteracy, improvement of hygienic condition. First Aid, appreciation, of the dignity of labour, propagation of family planning, small savings, tree plantation and afforestation, combating calamities like famine, flood, drought and earth quake and last but not the least, mobilising available resources for the development of the Community as a whole.

          There are four NSS units (Three Boys’ and one Girls’ unit) operating in the college, each comprising 50 volunteers, and are placed under the active guidance of four officers.


Objectives of NSS :

1.       To work with / for people.

2.       To engage in creative and constructive social activities.

3.       To know one self and the community as well.

4.       To put his/her scholarship to practical use in mitigating atleast some of the problems.

5.       To gain skill in the exercise of democratic leadership.

6.       To gain skill in programme development to enable him/her for self-employment.

7.       To bridge the gap between the educated and the uneducated masses and

8.       To promote the will to serve the weaker section of the community.


 Mr. ASHOK KUMAR SAHOO, Dept. of Physics


Duties of NSS Volunteers

1.       To establish rapport with the people of the project area.

2.       To identify needs, problems and resources of the community.

3.         To plan programmes and to carry them out.

4.       To relate his/her learning and experience for finding solutions to the problems already identified , and

5.       To record the activities in his/her work diary systematically and to assess the progress periodically and effect changes as and when needed.


Code of conduct for NSS Volunteers :

1.       All volunteers shall work under the guidance of a Group Leader nominated by the programme officer.

2.       They must abide by all the rules and discipline.

3.       They shall make themselves worthy of the confidence and co-operation of the group / community where they are working.

4.       They should scrupulously avoid entering into any controversial issues.

5.       They shall keep day to day record of their activity/experience in the enclosing pages of their diary and submit it to the Group / Leader / Programme Officer for periodic guidance.

6.       It is obligatory on the part of every volunteer to wear the NSS BADGE while at work.

7.       Their dress, diet and disposition should be a simple as possible during their work as volunteers.


Special Camping Programme

          Social camps are organised by the N.S.S. unit of our College separately during vacations in the adopted villages of Hariharpur, Nabaghanpur, Lekhanpur and Muthagadia. The camps provide and opportunity to the students to work among the underprivileged people and to help them fulfil their urgent basic needs like literacy, environmental cleanliness, health, sanitation and instant medical care (First-aid) etc.

          Seminars and Workshops are regularly held in the College on burning issues like dowry problem, female foeticide, female literacy, AIDS awareness, Drug abuse, Gender inequality and disaster management.

          Campus cleaning is done regularly by the NSS volunteers. Volunteers also visit the adopted slums and clean the roads with the help of the beneficiaries.

          Tree Plantation is carried out in the College premises as well as in the adopted villages.